
Caravan Employees Give Back To The Community

Written on:February 11, 2014
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Caravan Facilities Management Integrity    Caravan employees at the Bedford GM facility in previous years had a gift exchange at Christmas time each year.  In the Fall of 2011, the employees decided against this practice and instead thought helping a local charity would be a better use of their time and money.

The 2011 & 2012 Christmas fundraiser supported the “Shop with a Cop” program.  This program provides the needy and under-privileged children of Lawrence County with a Bedford Police Officer to shop with for a gift at a local business.  In order to support this process, the Caravan employees canvassed local businesses and garnered support through cash donations, services, and items to raffle.  In addition, GM upper management and Caravan management staff offered to have a “pie in the face” auction.

Overall, the 2011 efforts produced $3,500.00 in donations for the program.  In 2012 space was donated by Stalker Elementary School for an event surrounding the fundraiser, and the 2nd Annual “pie in the face” was underway.  2012 saw $4,000.00 raised for the selected charity.
Last year, 2013, the employees decided to change who they would support for their charity event.  Becky’s Place, a shelter for abused women and children was chosen.  $2,300.00 were raised through donations, raffles, and local business support.

Currently, and separate from a Christmas event, the Caravan employees are raising money to donate to Bertha’s Mission — a local charity that feeds the hungry of Lawrence county.  As of today, February 7th, over $500.00 has been raised.

It has been the pleasure of the Bedford Caravan employees to help raise over $10,000.00 in the past three years.  It has been a great opportunity to give back to the local community and make an impact.

Summary of Fundraising:
December 2011:  Shop with a Cop-$3,500.00
December 2012:  Shop with a Cop-$4,000.00
December 2013:  Becky’s Place-$2,200.00
February 2014:   Bertha’s Mission-$500.00

Front Row – Left to Right
Sonya Chambers CFM Janitor – Tina Homminga CFM Janitor – Georgia Woods GM – Natilee Watson Becky’s Place

Second Row – Left to Right
Larry Walton CFM Site Mgr -Travis Bailey CFM Janitor – Corrina Hayes Becky’s Place – Stevie Stapp Becky’s Place

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