
First Aid

Written on:October 24, 2013
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Caravan Safety TipFirst Aid: What would happen today, if there was an accident at your workplace? Would employees and management know what to do? Would the injured person get the best possible care?

When an accident happens, a first aid program that meets the requirements of the law and is tailored to the type and size of the workplace can literally make the difference between life and death, or between recovery and permanent disablement. Employers should insure that all employees know where emergency information is posted at the work site. The emergency notice should state the phone numbers of the closest ambulance service, fire/rescue unit, police station, and hospital. The amount of time it takes to look up one of these important numbers can make a big difference to a seriously injured person. The location of first aid equipment and rescue equipment, should also be posted prominently.

All work sites should have a person with first aid or medical training readily available in case of an emergency. First aid equipment and supplies, including a variety of dressings and instruments, as well as an up-to-date first aid manual, should be stored where they can be reached quickly and easily in case of an accident. These supplies should be inspected frequently, making sure they are kept in sanitary and usable condition and re-stocked after use. Larger workplaces may need more than one, fully-equipped first aid kit.

In isolated work sites, emergency supplies and an action plan are especially important. At least one person trained in emergency first aid should always be on-site. If first aid is not given properly, it can sometimes hurt rather than help an injured or ill person, or even be harmful to the person giving the first aid. All workers should know who on-site is trained to give first aid, where the emergency first aid equipment is located, and what medical professional or medical facility should be contacted if a medical emergency should occur.

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