
Denise Fortin – Missionary Trip 2015

Written on:November 17, 2015
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We would like to thank our EHS Representative Denise Fortin for her humanitarian efforts. Each year, over the past 3 years, Denise spends time traveling to underprivelaged locations in South America to help improve the living conditions for the people. This year, as a part of Pray America, she traveled to Chichicastenango in Guatemala. While there, she was part of a group who Built homes, Painted homes, Built outside bathrooms (the homes do not have indoor water or plumbing), Installed two burner wood stoves for heat and cooking, and Attended the feeding programs that Pray America supports.

The homes built were 12×18 foot, rough sawn wood structures. These homes are not insulated or finished on the interior and they never are. Each had a clear panel in the roof for light and one rough wood bunk bed built on site. Some older homes had a new two burner wood stove installed that also helps to heat the home. The structures have no electricity or water on the inside. They had one water pipe outside for bathing, washing clothes, cooking, etc.

Every year, Denise makes a special connection with the people of the communities she visits. One home owner is a single mother of two whose husband left the family. She was 13 when she had her first child and 15 when she had her second. She is the one standing, along with her two sons, with Denise below the “Familia” sign. Her home was painted. They don’t have treated wood, therefore rotted boards are replaced and the home repainted. Denise said that upon preparing to leave, she asked if she could pray for the young mother and her sons. The mother’s response was no, I have everything I need. I would like to pray for you and your grour to have safe travels home. What a beautiful and selfless statement from someone who has so little. We could all learn from that sentiment.

The cost that each member of the missionary team had to pay includes all the supplies for the builds, stoves, and water filters for some of the homes, plus airfare and lodging. Each persons’ cost also covered a child to eat two meals a week for a year. The vast majority of the children pull out their plastic bag and take the food home for the family to share.

To learn more about the Pray America program, go to .

Please be sure to also thank Denise for her positive contribution in the comments below.

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