Educational facilities have a lot of competing priorities and everyday challenges. Our job is to alleviate some of those challenges by taking away the stress of operating and managing your facilities. When it comes to your campus, cleanliness, visual aesthetics and indoor air quality can directly impact your reputation and student performance. That’s where we come in. Caravan’s program is designed to self-perform and manage all of your operations, maintenance, critical systems and other related facility services, providing you with total facilities management services.

Services We Offer

*This is not an extensive list of the services we provide. To see an extensive list of the services we provide, reach out to us.

Benefits of a Qualified
Facilities Management Partner

We set high standards for the services we deliver to our clients. While our services come with a variety of benefits, a few of the most important for those the educational industry include:

  • Reduced Total Cost of Operations
  • Optimized Facility Performance
  • Improved Learning and Teaching Environment for Students and Teachers
  • Improved Energy Efficiency
  • Maintained and Improved Image Reputation
  • Reduced Spread of Viruses through Disinfection Processes

“The demonstrated capability of the on-site CaravanFM team to jump into action, respond to changing focus, and support the plethora of requests brought about by the effects of the destructive storm and flooding was great to witness firsthand.”

School Superintendent

Our Awards & Certificates

At Caravan, safety and quality assurance are our overriding priorities, and we’re continuously evaluating and improving our systems, standards and processes to improve service quality and cost of operations. We are proud to be the recipients of the Saginaw Future Economic Excellence Award. We’re also proud to be certified by the following organizations:

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